This page is born as a way of bringing together people, associations, mass media, groups and institutions from the Hispanic world (fundamentally) with two clear objectives: support Pope Francis and visualize that support in a pluralistic and proposing (purposeful) digital platform. An initiative to join. This “Pro-Francis” webpage does not wish to have an apologetic position. It only wants to support the Pope and his reforms in search of a more evangelical Church. It does not go against anyone. Not even against those who are dissatisfied or confused with Pope Bergoglio.
We want to bring together, in a completely group and pluralistic iniciative, every single person of good will, who see in Pope Francis a complete human-divine and divine-human revulsive. People from every belief and different ideologies will be part of it, of course. The left-right axis has become old-fashioned. The progressive-conservative axis does not respond to what Francis is looking for. Because all of us (progressive and conservative), together with the Pope, want and look for a Church that is more and more evangelical. The iniciative, promoted and administered by Digital Religion, is open to all. It counts on all of us. It hopes that everyone joins: people, groups, mass media, associations and institutions from the wide Hispanic world in Europe and America.
Final Declaration, 1 st International Congress of
Journalists 'Pro Pope Francis'
From our uncompromising vocation for quality religion news, and prompted by both the process of reform undertaken by Pope Bergoglio and by the reactions that process has garnered, we the journalists from different parts of the world gathered together on the occasion of the 1 st International Congress of Journalists 'Pro Pope Francis' declare the following:
1. Religion and spirituality are essential parts of the human being. We share the frustration of Pope Francis when in his encyclical Laudato Si' (229) he writes, "We have had enough of immorality and the mockery of ethics, goodness, faith and honesty. It is time to acknowledge that light-hearted superficiality has done us no good".
2. "To love the truth, to embody professionalism and to respect human dignity": as the Pope says, these are the keys of our work. This is our aim: to avoid the ideological and political instrumentalization of information, such that, in the face of "fake news" and similar phenomena, it may be offered to the public in a rigorous fashion. Such a commitment demands qualities such as honesty, transparency, the search for truth, rigor and impartiality, and that now more than ever.